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Making Processes Better through Web Based File Sharing

PMD Responsive Website:
Progressive Machine and Design (PMD) knew that there online appearance did not live up to their in house capabilities. That is when they brought Vertical Insite in to rebuild their web presence from the ground up!

Vertical Insite worked with the PMD team to restructure their menu flow making it comprehensive to the customers in their industry. Vertical Insite’s next step was to create a custom web layout that visually led the viewer through the key parts of the PMD site while keeping a clean and professional look. The new design was then built into a custom WordPress theme to our clients’ specifications. For the final steps we integrated PMD’s content and imagery adding dynamic elements with WordPress plugins where needed to keep the site interesting.

Going Mobile:
As PMD was getting great feedback from their customer base on the new website they realized that there was a need for the site to be styled for a mobile screen. This also gave them to opportunity to have mobile specific navigation and content. Vertical Insite was on the job! We created a mobile specific design that reformatted not only the design but the navigation flow so that the items from the website that were most important to the mobile viewer were pulled to the fore front. With this new design it gave the mobile viewer a new experience within itself without having to recreate the wheel.

Client Portal:
Still in evolution, the web based file sharing application of the PMD website will make file sharing between PMD and their customers / vendors a much simpler process. Offering each individual to have different administration credentials and therefore access to their own projects, files and communications it will keep the flow moving. This web based file sharing will make file sharing streamlined on the projects and any miss communications and missed files from happening.

PMD Intranet:
After working to build a new Intranet system for a few months with little or no success, Progressive Machine and Design (PMD) brought Vertical Insite in to assist in building an internal network making project flow traceable and paperless for both in house and between their New York and South Carolina facilities. After the initial meetings, Vertical Insite realized PMD had the capabilities in place to build the system but was lacking in the knowledge of how to create the processes. They needed to take a step back to strategize the expected project/file flow.

Vertical Insite worked with the PMD team to create a wireframe diagram of all steps the the system needed to consider when building for their Print division. Vertical Insite delivered a functioning HTML wireframe for the Print Processes and also, as an example for all other processes of the new PMD Intranet system.

Using the new website design as a design layout the programmers at PMD produced a fully functional and well designed system.

“When it was time for Progressive Machine and Design to update our online presence to match ourstate of the art skills in the assembly automation and robotics industries, we chose Vertical Insite. Their team worked with our marketing department to design and build  a stylish yet informative responsive website with a mobile specific homepage. Our new site stands out among our competitors and we are proud to send our customers there too.

During the website creation the PMD engineers needed assistance with building our Intranet system. We asked Vertical Insite to help bring the project into fruition. To do so they created a written data module with flow chart and a final deliverable of a working wire frame module. This helped to flush out project flow and simplify the design build process, allowing our engineers to implement these processes throughout the PMD Intranet system.”

Carl Gurnett
Progressive Machine and Design